Staff Wallchart

To view the Staff Wallchart:

  1. Open Planners Wallcharts.
  2. Select the Staff tab.

    Planners wallchart with staff tab open

    Learn about the Reporting tab.


The Staff Wallchart toolbar presents the following options.

  • Navigation - Click the calendar icon to select an alternative start date for the Wallchart view from a drop-down calendar.

    Having selected the start date, use the chevron buttons to shift the calendar view: Back one day Back one week Back one month Forward one day Forward one week Forward one month .

  • Favourites - Select a pre-defined Staff selection to populate the Wallchart.

    Favourites are defined in Star Scheduling.

  • Staff Pools - Select a Staff Pool to populate the Wallchart.

    Staff Pools must be created either within StarPDM (see Set up and Maintain Staff Pools) or within the Planners Wallchart (see Staff Pool Maintenance).

  • Teams - Select a pre-defined Team to populate the Wallchart.

    Teams are defined in Star Scheduling.

    Only one option - either Favourites, Staff Pools or Teams - can be used to populate the Wallchart at any time.

  • Staff - Click the Search button to display the Staff Selector, in which you can select individual Staff schedules to populate the Staff Wallchart.